It’s vitally important that you carry enough insurance to be able to cover your injuries in the event that the at-fault driver is either uninsured or underinsured. Furthermore, it’s also important that you have added to your insurance coverage, medical payments protection. Medical payments or sometimes referred to as “med pay” can be very useful in the event that you are injured. Medical payments will step in to handle some, if not all, of your medical expenses while your case is still being pursued by your personal injury lawyer.
Even better, if you’re not “made whole” by virtue of your settlement or verdict, meaning that you have not recouped the value of all of your damages, including pain and suffering, there is a good chance that you will not have to reimburse your insurance company for the value of the medical payments that were made on your behalf. The bottom line is, for the nominal additional fee each month for including med pay on your insurance policy, it’s simply not worth the risk to not carry it as a part of your policy. Allow your personal injury attorney, Marcus A. Roberts to review your policy at no charge and to representing you throughout your entire personal injury claim. I will make your life as painless as possible while you recover from your injuries.
Waiting until you’re involved in an auto accident is the wrong time to evaluate the details of your auto insurance policy. You should know what’s in your policy in advance so that you know that you would be protected in the event that you are ever involved in an auto accident. Good news, Marcus A. Roberts, your personal injury attorney, is willing to evaluate your insurance policy as a courtesy to you.